Intensive Training Course “Data management using Machine Learning models (flood, groundwater...)”
During this training, an expert in GIS has presented a theoretical advanced training and practicle exercices on the application of Machine Learning Algorithms on the water data management using ARCGIS, Weka SAGA GIS & SPSS softwares
- Event Organizer(s): PEER_ESIM
- Event Date(s) : 10 & 11 April 2019
- Participant Description: PhD and Engineers students, Engineers from General Direction of water resources (DGRE) and the Regional Commissariat agricultural development (CRDA Manouba) , Engineers from the National Mapping and Remote Sensing Center (CNCT), Engineers from the Regional Remote Sensing Center for North African States (CRTEAN), researcher from the National Research Institute of rural engineering, Water and Forests (INRGREF).
- Number of Females: 7
- Number of Males : 8