Empowering women role and young people

In the SMART IWRM Medjerda project, the women and young people will be fully involved in project activities and will undertake the main role in its implementation. 

They will be present in community decision-making forums, become more aware of water management issues and she will participate in the implementation of the project activities.

Our project, will organize several awareness campaigns dedicated to rural women and young people.

Indeed, “Missing women” in water sector leadership is largely due to the scarcity of women water professionals, entrenched cultural and traditional attitudes, gender stereotyping, and perceptions that women lack managerial and technical skills. These factors, combined with the absence of inspiring female role models, limited mentoring opportunities, and the challenges of maintaining a work–life balance, are just some of the reasons that explain the dearth of women in water leadership positions.

Additionally, empowering young people as promoters in the field of water sector is a way of assuring that a project or program has a greater effect and more long-lasting impact on the communities.

When trying to find solutions to water contamination and ways to improve access to water and sanitation in any given community, it is essential that youth become involved, so they themselves can work together in an organized fashion to identify appropriate solutions to the problems, and then take ownership” of the measures to apply those solutions.

Many tools can be applied in order to involve youth in social or environmental action. This can help raise their self-esteem and also encourage other youth to take similar actions. We see it, in particular, in the growing number of impact entrepreneurs who are innovating new models for the scalable and sustainable provision of safe water in underserved communities.

That’s why the SMART IWRM Medjerda project is engaged to accelerate their progress and help them to develop a deeper understanding of different water sector development