Contribution to the implementation of a Decision support system (DSS) by modeling of groundwater flow, salts and contaminants transport in the Ousja-Ghar El Melh aquifer of the Lower Valley of Medjerda basin, Tunisia..”    ongoing since 2020

Salsebil BEL HADJ ALI, Higher School of Engineers of Medjez El Bab


“Geological modeling of the aquifer system of the lower Medjerda valley (BVM).” ongoing since 2019

Nasr BOUYAHIA, Higher School of Engineers of Medjez El Bab


Modeling of surface water-groundwater interaction of the lower Medjerda valley.” ongoing since 2020

Fadoua FAKHFEKH, Higher School of Engineers of Medjez El Bab


Analysis and simultation of conjonctive irrigation water use on the groundwater recharge using Farm Process for Modflow.” ongoing since 2020

Habib IBN DKHIL, Higher School of Engineers of Medjez El Bab


Geochemical characterization of groundwater in the lower Valley of Medjerda.” ongoing since 2019

Oulaya NEHDI, Higher School of Engineers of Medjez El Bab


Geostatistical modeling of nitrate pollution of groundwater in the lower Valley of Medjerda.” 2019


Yosra JOUINI, Higher School of Engineers of Medjez El Bab

Graduate Project ( Engineering Studies)

Diagnosis of sources of pollution of agricultural origin in the Middle valley of the Medjerda.” 2019

Asma MAMI, Higher School of Engineers of Medjez El Bab

Graduate Project ( Engineering Studies)

“Dynamic evaluation of the aquifer of the Middle Valley of Medjerda using high frequency pressure sensors.” 2019

Hamza AOUINI, Higher School of Engineers of Medjez El Bab